March 11, 2007

690-709 Eastern Priests Take Refuge in Rome & Antipopes Arise

This twenty year period covers the period when Justinian II -- the emperor in the East -- was forced into exile from 695-705 and many eastern churchmen took refuge in Rome causing unrest with their differences in doctrinal teaching, religious practice and continuing belief that the Roman church was subservient to the Constantinople church.

This period saw the rise of the antipopes -- Theodore and Paschal -- which the Syrian Pope Sergius I and his 701 replacement Pope John VI -- a Greek -- had to deal with.

In 705 another Greek, John VII, became Pope at the same time that Justinian II was restored to power in Constantinople -- followed by the Syrian Pope Sisinnius in 708, and another Syrian Pope Constantine in the same year -- and harmony was restored between Rome and Constantinople

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